Well, my surgery was a success! Today I've been quarantined to a life indoors due to weather. Snow + Rain / Sleet = Dr. ordered me to stay home because it is impossible for me to get around outside without getting my foot wet or infected. It hasn't stopped snowing outside since I woke up this morning. It's beautiful, but not convenient. I really hate being so helpless, especially with such little range of motion, but at least I can type while sitting and resting. My foot is exhausted after being back at work for two days anyways, so the weather really did me a favor I guess. The down time is good, it's just not the most fun I've ever had.
The surgery was a lot quicker and easier than I had anticipated. I had a lovely little snooze in the operating chair, save for one slightly lucid moment where I came to and asked if I could watch. I'm really not the queasy type and I find stuff like this really interesting, so before I zonked out I noticed how easy it would be for me to just sit up and peek over the curtain separating my line of vision from my foot and with that being my last thought before I fell "asleep" I think that's why it was on my mind when I started coming to again. Anyways, I did not get to look, obviously, but I was really excited to see five straight toes peeking out of my bandages when it was over! I was told it was one of the toughest joints they had operated on. I know that's not a good thing, but I was flattered by my bone's uniqueness, of course. The bone was so set in its twenty six year old ways and so much cartilage had built up around the joint that they had to spend some extra time getting it straightened out. He said it was something he's only seen in sixty year olds or older. Thank goodness that's been taken care of!
I highly recommend Manhattan Podiatry to any one suffering from foot pain or problems. Every one is so nice and qualified and competent. It made me feel less nervous knowing my Dr. had been doing this for twenty three years. I can now feel silly about all my worries, which is the best kind of comfort and relief anyone can have!
For the first day, I was loopy to say the least. Tom picked me up afterward and in the five minutes I was left unattended before he arrived, I had already managed to post some silly-ness on Facebook. He did a video-interview with me when we got home, and man was I clearly on something. I was in a happy place! It was so weird being "medi-high". I was totally aware and functioning, I was just in a really dazed, nonchalant place and couldn't really focus on my intended actions--like proper use of the internet or having an in depth conversation with a Cheez-Its bag. It's definitely fun and funny, but I am so glad that addiction and substance use is not something I enjoy or am pulled to. I see the allure, especially after experiencing anesthesia and Vicodin, and I am so thankful I lack any sort of desire for it. My body adjusted to Vicodin well, and after the first day I've been fine when having to use it (no more cooky moments), which has only been once a day at night usually. My body did not adjust to the pre-opp antibiotics well though, and I got a minor infection which was really annoying. Otherwise everything has been going smoothly and the healing process is in process.
Yesterday I had my first post-opp appointment to have my bandages changed and my foot looked at. Of course I was super curious to see the incision and what my foot looked like underneath all the bandaging. I took pictures, but any normal person would think it looked like a disgusting Shrek foot so I'll spare you. I thought it looked awesome though, and my Dr. said it's healing nicely and it only gets better from here. I'm so happy with the end result already. There was little bruising, but some swelling. Today, after being on my feet for two days, however sparingly, I noticed that my toes have surrendered to a new hew of purple. It's expected / normal after getting back on my foot after three days of no use, but it still makes me feel sad for my poor foot. It aches and burns a lot, even more so when I'm on it, but it's still a better pain than what I felt just from walking around daily this past year. It's the better of two evils, with an end in sight. I find that walking or moving exhausts me really quickly. Monday and Tuesday I came home, took a Vicodin, and laid down in bed. I was beat. I had no idea how much of a workout walking is, especially when you suck at it. Definitely something I took for granted.
Work has been fine, though I'm incredibly slow. Both boys can out-walk me which must be a nice change for them since it's usually me dragging their slow little legs along. I have to say its been fun getting to be home with them though, instead of on the go, because we get to play games and spend time together more than usual. They're so busy that we don't get to "play" much anymore. Next week their after school classes start up again, so hopefully my energy is up a little more and my foot is able to keep up better.
Spring semester starts on Friday. I have class five days a week. My foot just winced in pain as I typed that sentence... Oh boy.
Showers have been a success, though somewhat of a yoga / kung-fu maneuver. I have a special bag cover for my foot so it doesn't get wet, but I'm so paranoid that I often find as many angles as possible to keep water from reaching it anyways. So far so good, but, again, showering is also not something I realized could wipe me out. After five minutes I'm ready to get out and take a nap.
I'm over being in a boot and not being at my fully functioning best. I still have three weeks to go though so I'm trying to exercise patience and let go of the things I cannot control. I'm so thankful for understanding and flexible bosses, kind and helpful roommates, and a boyfriend who must have a touch of saint-hood in his blood to be able to put up with me and my quick-to-snap attitude. I can be such a pain in the backside! I try to make up for it with wit and charm. I'm lucky to have so many caring friends and people, and I thank you all for your well wishes!
Now typing has made me tired. Really?! Yes. Time to go lie down. Bye!
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