These past three years with Jasper and Hayden FLEW by. I feel like it was just yesterday that Hayden was taking his first steps, or Jasper was learning to pump on the swing. Time has passed all too quickly and they have grown and matured so much, and now it's time for me to move on. As Mary Poppins would say, "The wind has changed".
With Hayden (turning 4 in April--yikes!) beginning an all day school schedule in the Fall from 9am-3pm my hours are dropping to three hours a day. I can't live off of fifteen hours a week. I haven't worked out all the details yet, but I'm really conflicted as to what the best school / career balancing move is for me. As much as I would like to stay on in the Fall and supplement the day time hours with another P/T job so I could still be with Jasper and Hayden, the reality is that my skills and qualifications could be put to better use with a new set of little ones. My forte is teaching / helping raise infant to five year olds, not really how quickly I can shuttle older kids around the City to their various after school activities. Which, for the record, is pretty darn quick!
So, if you know anyone in need of a nanny feel free to send em my way! Since I haven't narrowed down exactly what I'm looking for, I'm pretty flexible in regards to Full or Part Time at this point. My availability would be F/T 40-45hrs a week, P/T 6hrs a week that don't conflict with a 2pm-6pm schedule. This is me throwing out my fishing pole and seeing what comes back!
However, please don't recommend a family that isn't serious about their search or able to pay a competitive salary / wage. If you want to know what the requirements are I'm happy to address specifics in a private email or Formspring question with a reply address. As much as I would love to do my job for pennies or for free (which I happily did for years), I have moved forward with my career standards and have had to set some cash flow ones as well. It breaks my heart to have to say no to a family just because of money, so if you'd like a recommendation for teens or friends I know who will accommodate $10-15 / hr pay scales, I'm happy to give you some names, but I no longer take those jobs myself. Sorry! I hope that doesn't sound snotty or uppity. It's really not meant to be and I hope no one is offended. If you're really in a bind, I'll totally help you out if I can!
I can start as early as the summer, but if you know anyone prego and due in the Fall that timing works well too!
I would also love to work in a pre-school or daycare setting if anyone has any connections or suggestions. Basically if children are involved, the pay is livable (because in that type of setting I already know I'd be taking a major pay cut, but it'd be worth the experience for my career), and there are enough hours to qualify for health insurance, I'm interested!
Happy hunting!
What a bitter sweet time. I know how much you love those boys, but I also know how much you relish adventure and new challenges.
Here's sending you love and prayers that the right place for you comes along. Preferrably with a blinking red arrow that says "GO HERE."
I know 4 kids who would kill to have you be their Nanny. ;o) I am so sad for you but you have given them an amazing 3 years & they are better for it. Now it is time for you to find some other little person who needs you. I love you Daglong.
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