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Monday, December 7, 2009

What, are you blind or something?

Jasper, five and a half, loves to play games. Card games, board games, or imagination games, he is at that age where he just loves games.

Lately he's taken a liking to the "Blind Man" game. I think at some point we have all played this. You close your eyes and let somebody lead you. When I was five I liked sitting on the floor of the car with my eyes closed, riding from the mailboxes to the house and trying to imagine what we were passing with each little turn.

In New York City, it is a completely different kind of game! Jasper likes to close his eyes and be lead down Seventh Avenue. Plus, unlike most kids, he actually keeps his eyes shut. Not only does he keep them shut, he will walk without peeking for blocks and blocks and blocks while participating in fluid conversation. Like from the library to the house, which is exactly half a mile. This goes on for so long that I sometimes forget we're still playing.

One day, on our way home from the park, a boy in each hand, I forgot Jasper had his eyes shut and I ran him into a tree. Oops. He bounced back, literally, and still kept his eyes shut until we got home. Forgiving little fellow.

A few days later we were crossing the street and Hayden started whining about something. Turning to him to discuss what he was upset about I again forgot Jasper had his eyes closed and when we reached the other side of the street accidentally launched him over an old New York horse-tying pole about the shape and size of a fire-hydrant. He hit hard and, with the momentum, bounced over the top. I felt so bad! He wasn't hurt, or upset, but rather shocked that 1) the pole was there (I don't think he ever really noticed it with his eyes open) and 2) that I had not mentioned such a large object in his way. He didn't question what had happened (I was already smothering him with hugs and apologies) but, instead, shut his eyes and said, "Lets play again!" Seriously?? Despite my protests that clearly I should not be allowed to play the role of leader in this game, I conceded with an "at your own risk" disclaimer. Third time's the charm right....?

The next day, I picked the boys up from school and we were on our way to a play date. Hayden was in the stroller and Jasper was holding on to the handle and eating snack. When Hayden talks from the stroller I can't hear him very well so often I have to bend over and look down at him so his little words don't blow away in the wind. While he was telling me about puppies in the window I barely noticed the young man walking towards us with his own dog. I dodged right with the stroller and Jasper, who happened to be looking inside his snack bag, let go of the handle.

3 things happened in a split second:
1. I noticed the dog was not on a leash but rather on in a harness with a handle.
2. The person holding the handle was clearly blind.
3. Jasper was instantly side walk road kill. The one day he actually had his eyes open.

Bad dog. Flattened kid. Very embarrassed blind man.
Nanny on the brink of complete politically incorrect hysterical laughter.

As I rushed to scrape Jasper up off the concrete, the poor blind guy was scrambling to find who or what he had just collided with. He was horrified to learn it was a little boy and uttered apology after apology while in turn reprimanding his dog. Jasper was totally stunned and shaken up and, again with my un-PC ways, I was torn between laughter, shock, compassion, and noticing that the blind guy was in his late 20's and really, really good looking. I was actually disappointed he couldn't check me out in return. I know. Shameless.

We parted ways and I pulled off to the side to console Jasper who, by this point, had finally reached tears. The sad crocodile kind, not the hysterical screaming kind. The kind where you get your feelings hurt but are unsure what you did to deserve it.

JASPER (pouty bottom lip and tear welled eyes): Why did that man run me over?!
ME: know how you like to play the Blind Man game?
JASPER: Yeah... (sniffle)
ME: Well...that man was actually blind.
JASPER (instantly done crying & over it): Oh! No wonder he didn't see me.

Needless to say, this is still his favorite outdoor game.

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