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Monday, April 12, 2010

Say My Name, Say My Name

My 21 month old nephew Xander cannot say his own name... but you better believe he can say the name of his favorite Aunt!!!!!!!! I'm beyond pleased and proud and flattered and touched and thrilled! It's the cutest.

A few nights ago I walked into the house and, per my usual self-advertising, gave him a big squeeze and said "Aren't you so happy to see your favorite Aunty Sarah!!!!!" To which he happily beamed and replied "SAWR-AH!!" for the first time! Karley and I both did double takes, and then asked him to repeat it over and over. As he did so proudly, he followed every triumphant pronunciation with the hugest hugs and kisses I've ever gotten. It was, quite simply, one of the best nights of lovin' ever.

Of course I recorded him saying it (thank you iPhone!) though I don't know how to put the recording on here. However, I DO know how to show off the pictures Karley snapped of our little love fest.



Karley said...

two things. 1) you are effing hot. Im a good photographer... but not THAT good! 2) did I mention you look hot?

Tracy said...

Precious! You are just radiant in these pictures Sarah! Back in the day I babysat for the cutest little family and the little 2 year old would say my name and it would just melt my heart. I loved to hear her say it! She would say "Tacy!" There is something about the way little ones say your name.

Rustino Scar said...

how cute! and your hair looks AMAZING! I love it