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Thursday, October 14, 2010

For Tom

This post may hold no interest to any of my readers, but I don't care cause it's not really for you! No offense. It's just for one reader. My most important, dedicated, and supportive reader: my boyfriend, Tom.

With this new On [Topic] project my articles stem from some of my most personal, guarded and internalized experiences. Things I really hate talking about with people outside my small inner circle. This new project is mostly to get me out of my shell and face the fear of writing what's real for all to read. When this includes experiences involving my favorite person in the whole world, it makes editing and staying true to the article and myself that much more difficult.

My first one was obviously personal and revolved around my and Tom's relationship at it's early stages. I hope I was able to convey clearly that what I learned and discovered was largely in part to how amazing my boyfriend, Tom, is. How understanding and willing and dedicated he has been since we started dating to work together in our relationship, not only on the good stuff (there's soooo much good stuff!) but on the tough, embarrassing, painful and personal stuff we both face as well. What I struggled with stemmed from just a few little comments not meant at all to be offensive, that I then spun into multiple insecurities in my over-analyzing and womanly mind. I chose to speak up about it because I know I'm not the only one who this happens to or who gets herself into a man-made tizy. I also know I have made comments that accidentally offended or took root in someone's mind and grew infected. I hope I acknowledged that enough. It's not OK. And that is why I wrote about it.

To answer your questions, yes Tom read the article and yes he supports me and of course some things I had to say he didn't like aired out or how I said them. But it happened and I wrote about it and we're still lovers and we still made out at the end of the night and the project continues!

Thank you for your feedback. We all have our moments, hopefully we make something good out of them!

Dear Tom,
Here are just a few of the many reasons I Love You:

1. You're Hot on the outside and Hilarious on the inside.
2. You make me pee-laugh. It's ok, I have more underwear--maybe I should carry a spare?
3. You listen. Mostly. "It's hard to find a good listener these days."
4. You put up with my family's highs / lows & even those who haven't met you adore you. (Duh.)
5. Your hair smells good. Prolly cause you don't let me tousle it. Wah.
6. Your armpits smell even better. You are the man I wish my man smelled like. Hooray!
7. You have baby soft skin that puts lotion to shame. I can't compete, but I enjoy!
8. You're honest, even if it's a harsh truth, which makes me so thankful and feel so secure knowing I can always count on you to tell me what's what.
9. You're courageous in the face of trials. Like studying for exams and dealing with my PMS.
10. You're thoughtful, gentle, and kind. Except when you step on my toes.
11. You're the world's best kisser. Yeah that's right, I speak for the world.
12. You support my dreams and goals sometimes more than I think I support them.
13. You're fun and spontaneous and have a zest for life about as zesty as mine.
We're zesty like that.
14. You're good at wrestling. Even if you cheat by tickling.
15. You buy me flowers for no reason.
16. You spoon so well real spoons would be jealous! And almost always let me be "little spoon".
17. You use funny words like poo-phoria.
18. You sit through Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, and Sister Wives with me.
19. You're an excellent travel companion. Especially when you keep your eye on the bags!
20. You're a hard worker with admirable goals and a strong direction in achieving success in life as a whole. I really hope I end up in the seat next to you when you make it Australia. Or at least as a piece of cargo.

I Love You because you're so freaking lovable I just can't imagine how anyone could resist, and I feel so lucky that I get to be the one who loverly-lovers you every day!


1 comment:

Carolyn Quebe Williams said...

I read it all. My take home message from your last 2 posts? You and Tom are both wonderfully good, wonderfully hilarious and wonderfully good looking. That's probably why you are still together.