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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nanny Your Business

Here goes another writing whim! Remember when I wanted to start a nanny blog? Well, Nanny Your Business (...But I'm Telling You Anyway) is officially up and blogging! A few starter posts are hot off the keyboard and, though the overall aesthetic is still a work in progress, it's good to go and I'm excited about it!

Here's a snippet from my first post about what it's all about: 

Being a nanny is my business. If you need one, have one, or just want to pick the brain of one, then this blog is your business. This blog is dedicated to sharing my years of knowledge and experience in the childcare profession with Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Caregivers, Mentors, Aunts, Uncles, and anyone considering or preparing to have a family without a clue as to what to expect or do once it happens and while it inevitably rolls forward with or without them! I am often asked for the how to's, when's, and why's of child rearing, and this is my long-winded and hopefully entertaining-while-informative, answer: it's Nanny Your Business!

A HUGE thanks to Col for being my creative muse at the last minute, and his wife Aubrey for always being supportive of me in facets far beyond the blog world, but ever so inclusive of it. And of course, all you awesome awesome friends and readers (!!!!!!) and my dearly believing boyfriend THANK YOU. Thank you for asking and encouraging me to start a blog or write a book (dream big!) about my experience and knowledge in child care, and for voting on secret titles and catch phrases when I couldn't make up my mind. Surprise! I went with one that wasn't even an idea until literally five minutes before publishing, for those of you thinking "Where'd that title come from?!". It came from blogger fate and I hope you like it.

My wish for readers, whoever they may be, is that my posts in some way help, teach, inspire, or simply entertain! Let us all raise our exclamation marks to new beginnings... CHEERS NEW BLOG!!!!!


Rae said...

Yeah! So excited!

Sara said...

Sarah, this is so exciting! I'm so proud of you and thrilled that your brilliant experience and advice will be out there for everyone to benefit from. AAAnd you found the PERFECT title. Seriously. It's genius.

Well done darling.