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Friday, April 8, 2011

Dainty Little Love

A few months back I fell in love with these rings from Catbird and added them to my Wishlist.

Not long after, Groupon, yet again reading my mind and knowing my thrill at a good deal, ran a sale for Catbird. I was thrilled! And the thrill turned into some dainty love in the form of a size 3.5 (yes I have teeny tiny fingers) rose gold heart ring I now proudly wear on my left ring finger. I see it as a spot holder for another kind of ring I'll surely treasure one day.

I love how thin and charming, yet strong and sturdy these rings are. They would make perfect "push presents" (think: initials of the newest addition to the family to stack on as you add on!) or sentimental wears without looking cheesy or being too obvious. I even have a friend who swaps one on and off as a wedding ring! Very sweet.
Beautiful, simple, timeless, elegant, and affordable = Perfect!
I think these make a very touching but not over the top gift... (hint, hint, wink, wink boys)


Rae said...

Hey! Doesn't Reags where that ring? It is so cute!
Wow, 3.5?? And I thought my size 5 ring finger was small!

Sarah said...

Yep! It is indeed Reagan. I actually didn't know she had it until Jake told me after I posted about it in my Wishlist. It's such a great piece. Love it!

Amy said...

um, copy that! 3.5?! my ring finger is 4.5. dang you got tiny fingers chica! hope weather has improved in NY so that its actually acting like spring now!