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Friday, April 1, 2011

Guess who's a fool?!

After our bowling date last night, I crashed at Tom's. He will argue that I'm not a good snuggler, but I'm actually *awesome*, so don't listen. His legs just happen not to know a thing about how to get along well with others. Pfffft!

Anyways, I had class this morning as usual, finally the end to a long week of mid-terms and the beginning of the next couple weeks of hard core essays and speeches. It just doesn't let up! I had to make copies of an evaluation form for my speech class so I told Tom I was going to head out early and steal some of his coins if he had any laying around. He did, so that mean an extra ten minutes of sleep for me! Sleep is a precious thing on Friday's when I've just pulled a sixteen hour day before and am ready for the week to be over. Even without working yesterday I still pulled a sixteen hour day (longer actually since we went out) so I was sleepy!

I kissed Tom goodbye as he began to move towards getting up himself and heading to work, although his alarm apparently hadn't gotten the memo and wasn't going off yet. The subways weren't as crowded as usual so I got to sit for my entire 45 minute ride, which is rare. The weather sucks right now so it was cold and rainy / misty but I arrived at school with a quick ten minutes to spare to make my copies in the Library, which opened at 8am (it was 8:50am).

When I got to the third floor the library was locked and deserted. I could see the copy machines I so desperately needed to use, but it was a quiet wasteland inside. Thinking I'd misread the hours when I checked the day before, I kindly asked the security guard if there were any copy machines other than in the locked library. He smiled and said, "No, only in library. Ten minutes. Open at 8am." and referred to a clock above his head. English not being his first language I assumed reading a clock wasn't either, and that the one above him must be broken, because my phone clearly read 8:52am. This is where I should have caught on to some foolishness, but I assure you I did not. "Ummm, sir?", I kindly probed, "It's 8:52am". "No." he shook his head in reply, "Sebben-Bifty. See clock?!"

I did see the clock, but I also saw my clock and clearly they didn't match up. You would think maybe I would catch on by now, but I was so flustered and confused that I pressed the subject even further as a Librarian came and began to open the doors.

I showed the security officer my phone, explained how there's no way it could be wrong because my phone is synced to the cell towers that automatically change the time, and it's been fine since daylight savings and as far as I knew that only happened once in the Spring, and it read the same time on all the clocks in the house this morning, too! CLEARLY the clock on the wall and the one inside the library he was using as his comparison (amid his own confusion to my phone clock, now) was wrong. "Sorry miss. Phone wrong. See you in bive minooots when library open." And he disappeared inside. With my copy machines. By this point I was all kinds of confused and stressed and worried that some crazy time warp had hit Tom's house and would affect his work schedule or something, so I called him in a panic.

Let's take a moment to say that STILL by this time I was clueless. I plan on changing my middle name to gullible after this, don't worry.

Tom answers his phone and it goes like this:
ME: BABE!!! What time is it?!
TOM: 9am.
ME: Yeah!!!!!! I KNOW!!!!! That's what my phone says too!!! But, guess's not!!! (At this point I'm convinced there's a conspiracy against us and I wait for Tom to join me in a freak-out).
TOM [Begins laughing]: APRIL FOOLS! haaaahahahahahahaha.
ME [Realizing I am over an hour early to school and it is indeed April 1st]: No. Seriously?!? I mean really?!? That's so mean! Mean. [He's still laughing] Not funny. I am not laughing. Mean.
TOM: It's funny! Really, babe, it's funny! Please don't be mad. It's April Fools!
ME: No. No, no, no, no. Ugh! REALLY?! Ok. Fine. I'll laugh about this later, but right now, NO. [Click]

I did laugh later. It was funny and well played.
I laughed as I went into the Library at 8:05am to make my copies (and do some research for my speech now, since I had plenty of time). The Security Guard held his head high with a "See! I told you!" stance. I'm officially crazy in his book.
I laughed as I tried to figure out when Tom had changed the clocks?! I still don't know. My phone and the one by his bed both sit on a nightstand next to my head--oh he's good...
I laughed as I thought about how I didn't have a single clue, even though there were so many. Clue #1: when I asked Tom why his alarm hadn't gone off yet and he said "I dunno, that's weird" all straight faced and sleepy like. I admit a high level of concern at how good of liar he can be... Clue #2: when I thought I was so lucky to get a seat (and that there were so many others) on what is usually the busiest travel time in the mornings.
I mostly laughed at how freakin' long it took me to realize I had been duped and how proud Tom would be that his plan went on so well for so long. You can't plan for your girlfriend to so adamantly refute a security guard and two clocks, now can you?! I was the perfect victim... GA! It kills me.
I will laugh even harder when, one day, I get him back reeeeeal good. Oh yes, I will.

So Happy April Fools Day everyone! I hope you are all able to have some good, practical laughs.


Amy said...

holy sh*t that's good! impressive prank. SUCKS to be the one at the end of it though! :( at least it wasn't an hour late? ;) thanks for a good laugh... one day soon hopefully for you too!

Cammy Fuller said...

Good one! Way to go, Tom!

jill s said...

amy gave me the link so i could read this...and while i think i would have been mad at first too...that was pretty dang smooth! and i would have been with you...trying to convince everyone else they were wrong! :)

Carolyn Quebe Williams said...

Oh, that is beyond awesome. BEYOND. Awesome.

Rae said...

Whoa, bravo Tom. I'd be pissed.

Jami said...

That's a good one. Can't wait to hear the retribution story.

Sarah said...

haha that is funny, I would be so ticked at Scott if he ever did that to me. Well you will just have to get him really good next year!