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Monday, February 15, 2010

Prince[ton] For A Day

This year I couldn't have planned a better Valentine's Day if I'd tried. Good thing I didn't plan anything! Things worked out much better than last year. I love planning, but I love it even more when you wander into the unknown and on the other side is everything you would've planned if you'd known it was going to turn out so well.

First, a strapping young man showed up on my doorstep the night before with a dozen gorgeous roses and a big ol' box of chocolates. Since that hasn't happened in at least five years or longer I was pretty much ecstatic and very surprised.
Not only did I have a Valentine, but he agreed (without poking, prodding or bribery) to accompany me to a five year old's birthday party in Princeton, NJ. Now, while that is MY idea of an ideal way to spend any day, let alone a day for celebrating love, it's not exactly the most romantic or fun thing for someone (especially a guy) who doesn't know the family or have any investment in celebrating a random child's exit from the "F-ing Fours" into the "Fantastic Fives". Yet without hesitation he said, "Yeah sure, I'll go." And he did. And it was all kinds of fun.
(Note: I'm wearing at least 4 inch heels--*fabulous* suede boots actually--and still he's taller than me. Bonus!)
It feels like we just had Sophie's second birthday...
When did it suddenly become her fifth?!
She made as big of an impression on my life as I did hers during the year we spent together. I really miss being her nanny but I feel so lucky to be such close friends! I also feel very proud / possessive of the monopoly I have on being her one and only Nanny and favorite babysitter. Her Mom commented the other day: Sophie has decided Elad and I should go out more and she should have a babysitter. However, she has put certain restrictions on the acceptable choice... it has to be "Sarah." The kid is almost 5. You're going to have to take her to college.
What can I say, the girl has good taste! ;)

To make the most of our day trip away, Tom and I wandered around Princeton University for a few hours after the party. That campus is beautiful! It felt so peaceful and historic. I felt smarter just walking on the cobblestones!
My personal favorite were the snowmen that decorated the campus, particularly Pac Man eating little snowmen! Ivy League education at its finest!

Around 5pm we wandered past the on campus Catholic Church.
They were beginning services and, since we missed our own church that day, we decided to join their worshiping and partake in Mass. It was a first for both of us, though reminded me a lot of attending Episcopalian services with my Grandma when I was little. It was really neat! The un-cushioned kneeling was slightly painful, but otherwise the service was beautiful. I enjoyed being in a cathedral full of strangers and feeling like we knew each other thanks to the common base of spirituality and our mutual belief in a God who loves us. I particularly liked the Pastor's lesson about what we should pray for.

Pray for Knowledge--Seek the truth of things. Seek to understand the way God understands.
Pray for Wisdom--How does God approach a sinner or a poor person? Go and observe others. They are the humble. Wisdom is the way that leads us to hope. It is God's way.
Pray for Beauty--It is the vision of God. How does God see things? God sees beauty in all things, no matter the outward appearance. He sees beauty in His creations. Look beyond artifice. How often do we try to create beauty? The fullness of God's creations are people who hear and try to follow the word of God.
Pray for Love--Love is the totality of the circumstances of God. It's knowledge, wisdom and beauty combined. Love is about relationships with people, as Christ had. It's filled with God's way and vision. Love is God active and present in our lives.

I spent the day celebrating my love for life, family and friends in the best way I know how. I was surrounded by people who are beautiful, wise, knowledgeable, humble, kind, funny, giving, inspiring, and striving to be the best they can be. I happily read to Birthday Girl Sophie (who didn't leave my lap anytime I was sitting), ate lolly pops, cake, spinach dip, finger foods, colored, played house, and walked the line between adulthood and childhood with my favorite friends turned family AND a hot date. Could this Valentine's Day have been more happy?! I submit that it could not.


Tracy said...

Sounds like a fabulous day! And what a beautiful sermon! Do you normally take such detailed notes in our own services? I'm impressed you remembered so much, but then, you do have a sharp mind.

And can I say that you look... I can't think of any spectacular adjective... but just FANTASTIC with that handsome man by your side!

Sarah said...

Thanks Tracy! Yep I take notes in Sacrament Meeting too. It helps me stay focused and is a great resource for looking back on when I need some quick inspiration. I have a whole church journal full of them (a couple actually)...and even some random scribbles in my day planner when I forgot to bring my journal. I started in Canada when I was 16 and it became habit. Who knew I was such a closeted church nerd, right?! Just gotta own it! ;)

Carolyn Quebe Williams said...

Princeton looks so fun! It's a beautiful campus. I am glad you guys got to go. Love the pictures :) Happy Birthday Sophie!!