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Thursday, September 16, 2010

More to Learn

With summer come and gone, everyone (including me) is back to school! Slowly but surely (more on the slower end this semester) I'm knocking out classes and working towards finishing my BA. It'll be awhile but I'm enjoying the process and not worried in the slightest about taking my sweet time.

This semester my work / school schedule could only fit two classes so I'm taking another Early Childhood course (Special Education--something very close to my heart and interests) and my second of three required Math classes. I'm doing ECE online and MAT at the school.

Last semester I somehow managed a miraculous "A" in Math (read: worked my studying little butt off) , a subject that is usually the bane of my educational existence, and I'm hoping I'm able to understand and stay focused just as much this semester. It makes my life so much easier when I actually "get it". This Math class is quite literally like learning a foreign language (and learning how to write that language) but thus far I get it and scored 100% on my first homework assignment. Yipee! The first quiz is coming next week so wish me luck!

Today I got this email from my ECE teacher regarding my first paper on procedures and strategies to identify signs of a learning disability.

Sarah, your reflection paper on strategies and procedures for identifying SLDs is well-written, informative, and focused. You did a superb job, and I encourage you to keep up the great work. Please, post on your group File exchange or Discussion Board. Grade: 10 points out of 10.

Things are off to a good start!

1 comment:

Amy said...

i didn't realize you were taking classes! good for you! sounds like you'll be doing early childhood education then? kudos to you with your hectic schedule! :)