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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I'm hardly into sports BUT...

This weekend Tom and a couple friends and I went to see Moneyball and it totally lived up to the hype for us. I don't know much about baseball except that I love sitting in the bleachers eating junk food, singing along to the megatron, and yelling random things about getting on bases, hitting home runs, foul balls, or strikes.

Being from Northern California I was proud to already be familiar with the Oakland A's team at least, even though the San Francisco Giants are where my loyalties, when I have them, lie (aside from the Yankees, of course). I was sucked right in to the under dog story and fascinated about how much I didn't know about the "behind the scenes" part of baseball. Turns out the A's played a defining role in changing the game. It made me laugh and sympathize and see that there's politics and monetary influence in everything, even games.

It probably also helped that I'm reading this fascinating biography. Focused around another sport of which I know nothing about, but have thoroughly enjoyed reading up on as well as learning about Agassi's life and perspective. It's fascinating!

If you haven't seen Moneyball, I highly recommend it for a date night or family night out (with older kids).

P.S. Did you hear that Paranormal 3 is coming??!! I can't wait. The first two were great, the second one was actually better I thought. I watched the new trailer in broad daylight on my laptop and still had to cover my eyes. Eek!

1 comment:

Rae said...

So glad you loved it as much as me. Next summer we'll go to a game together.