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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nice to meet you. I love you.

One year ago I met a stranger, and fell in love with him. Despite any fears or reservations to the contrary, he won me over and it has been the best 365 days of my life!

To celebrate, I bought us tickets to see Elf on Broadway. One of Tom's (and practically everyone's) favorite holiday movies is Elf, and when I found out it was coming to Broadway for a six week holiday stint, I couldn't resist but hunt for tickets to surprise him. It didn't open until Nov. 14th (our anniversary is the 13th) so that meant I'd have to get preview tickets, which can be tricky. Luckily, so luckily, my boss is friends with the producer and kindly asked him if he'd be able to set aside two house seat tickets for us! Tom was totally surprised (he had no idea it was coming to Broadway) and despite me being a frantically stressed out mess in the cab on the way there (traffic was uncharacteristically insane for some reason) we made it and had a great time. We were in the second row and could see the twinkle in Santa's eye (played by George Wendt from Cheers!) and the sweat on Buddy's brow (literally; those lights and that heavy wool elf get-up would turn anyone to a puddle).

It was such a fun show, with a very talented cast, and perfect for getting giddy about love and life and magic and believing in something again. All things Tom and I have experienced together this past year in our relationship. Plus there was the obvious excitement of getting into the holiday spirit. My favorite part was when **spoiler alert!!** it started "snowing" in the theatre. It certainly got me excited for winter and all our upcoming holiday plans.

After the show we went to Serendipity, where we had our first date. We haven't been back since (the wait is notoriously long and painful) and thought it'd be nice to pay homage to the place that brought us together quite, well, serendipitously! Unfortunately, the wait was an hour and a half. For two people. At 11pm. Meaning we wouldn't get a piece of pie or any spudniks until 12:30am. We thought that might happen and instead opted to go home and play cribbage! Sexy, I know.

When we got back to Tom's place there was a gift waiting for me with a note that read, "Sarah, Thank you for the best year of my life! I LOVE you! Love, Tom" Inside was an 8 1/2 x 11 framed photo of us kissing in front of the Eiffel Tour. Tom told me he wanted to give me something that had special meaning and represented our relationship this year, and our trip to Europe definitely did that. I don't think you truly know someone, man or woman, until you've traveled with them, shared space with them, gotten lost or misguided with them, and problem solved with them. We did all of that and more in Europe, in New York, and in all the other places we've journeyed together this year. Europe was where it really came together. Where we realized how much we loved and appreciated each other and where we said so for the first time. Almost under the Eiffel Tour, but not quite. Europe was definitely where I knew for certain that I had found someone special. I love the picture and the sentiment and being able to display it for all to see!

Can you believe neither of us have any framed photos of us together? Perhaps that's because we always forget to take pictures, OR when we do one of us has them and the other doesn't, OR I forget my camera at home in my purse because I only bring a clutch with me. That's what happened on this special occasion. Yep, I forgot my camera. Brilliant, I know. I was SO upset. Especially because while it's fine and dandy to take pictures with your phone, it's not the same. People suck with regular cameras, and it's much worse when you hand them a phone camera. Plus the pixels aren't as great, it may or may not zoom or have flash or whatever. And when you have a top dollar amazing birthday gift camera like I do, it's extra frustrating not to have it when you need it.

So when we got home from our long night, there was my beloved camera chillin' in my bag. We thought we'd set it up and take some pictures together at least, but the base of the camera is kind of rounded and it doesn't like to sit still without a tripod. It prefers tipping over just as it has been carefully placed and aimed and propped; in this case, by Tom. And right as he'd get next to me and smile the camera would fall over and snap our feet. I found this hilarious and couldn't help but practically double over by the third time this happened. Of course that the camera caught.
Tom found it incessantly annoying and finally we did what most couples without helpers or tripods do. Or what most bored people who know they look good at that moment do... We snuggled up, stretched out one arm, and took a few close-ups of ourselves.

Getting to know each other = One Year of Awesome
Sealed with a kiss (or 100) and hopes of more awesomeness to come!
Best. Year. EVER!


Aubrey said...

I always say "The couple that plays cribbage together, stays together."

Cammy Fuller said...

Way to go, Sarah. I am so happy for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world! Cammy