Announcements! Announcements! Annooooouuuunnnnncements!
I've decided to start a nanny blog. Yipee!
Time to modernize my inner Mary Poppins (and base her out of NYC while I'm at it). I'm pretty sure M.P. would've totally had a kick-A blog and a laptop with free Wi-Fi hidden in that carpet bag of hers (clouds, shmouds).
Speaking of nanny blogs, check out one of my faves called I Saw Your Nanny reporting inappropriate nanny care sightings.
Nanny Tip #1: (for any job, not just child care) ALWAYS assume you're being watched or surveyed, and perform your job the way you would if the parents or your boss were standing right next to you. Hopefully that means with confidence, integrity, and the talent that got you hired in the first place. Not because you're afraid of getting "caught" doing otherwise, but because you really are that awesome and don't know how to do it any other way.
During my 14 years of child care experience, the past 8 focusing solely on my Full-Time nanny career and my ultimate goal of launching my own Daycare or Preschool, I have had countless requests for tips and advice from parents and fellow caregivers. And so, I've decided to launch my own kid focused forum for just that! I'd like to give all you parents (current or future), nannies, babysitters, and caregivers a place to question and discuss with me the incredible journey that is child rearing.
I'll be featuring career tips, tricks, advice (potty training, time outs, discipline techniques, sibling rivalry, sleep training, etc.), personal experiences (a bit of my own "Nanny Diary" tales), useful items, adventures, stories, frustrating / proud moments, know-it-all misgivings, on the money predictions, Q&A's (how much should I pay / be paid?), job complaints, insider gossip, bragging rights, and more. You name it I want to talk about it! But, before you name it, would you like to help name the blog?
I would love some suggestions to intermingle with the numerous ones I've been bouncing around and, should I choose yours, I promise to give due credit! I'm planning to launch it in the next two weeks (depending on how busy I am with work travel and school) and I would ideally like to update at least every week to start. Hopefully I can more regularly update both blogs. I'm sure gonna try!
Baby loving being the great joy of my life that it is, though, this Sarahnaded blog isn't going anywhere (I do have other passions and dreams you know!) and will remain focused on my personal life, family / friends, hobbies, rants and raves, On Topic ponderings (that haven't been pondered in a long time and maybe I'm sort of failing at that venture... oops!), silly videos and Wishlist items. So for those of you that could care less about children or childcare or how many boogers and stickers I find stuck to me on a daily basis... you can still come here for the grown up stuff. Although I can't promise to act like a grown up at all times or on all blogs, on this one I'll try extra hard! ;)
Let the names begin!
NYC = Nannying Your Child
What a great idea!! Love the oprah post u did too! How amazing! I'll try and think of a fun name! Tom is creative right? I'm surprised Amy & tim haven't left a suggestion! Amy- AHEM! :)
I'm amys lil sis!
Maman was over today, we talked about you. Here's my hello and response to your posts.
*New York Nanny - Tips of the Trade
*Nyah, Nyah, Nyah, Nanny, Nyah!
*From terrible to terrific - kid tips from a NY Nanny
*9-5 Mom
Lovely to hear that Oprah succeeds in a genuine concern for the one.
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